
Born on this day

1983 Rajasekhar Reddy Kandi, Indian climber, who ascended Everest in 2024.

First ascents on this day

1962 Ghustung (6529 m) by a British party.

Gone on this day

2009 Péter Csizmadia, Hungarian climber, who ascended Gasherbrum I in 2007, died in an avalanche on Ren Zhong Feng (~5800 m), aged 37.

Seven Second Summits Major Update
Sunday, 07 April 2013 15:02

It seemed to be confirmed, that Puncak Mandala is the second highest mountain in New Guinea, but a new private GPS survey had a different result.

The Australian survey map with the results from 1973 marked Ngga Pulu as 4862 m and Sumantri as only 4810 m. SRTM was not helpful in this case and so it was thought to be unlikely that within the Carstensz massif there is a second independent mountain. Ngga Pulu shrank because its ice cap was melting, but Sumantri did not and is nowadays about 25 to 30 meters higher than Ngga Pulu. It appeared that the surveyed height of Sumantri from 1973 was completely wrong.

The recently measured difference between Sumantri and the connecting col to the Carstensz Pyramid is large enough to recognize Sumantri as independent mountain and therefore as the second highest mountain in New Guinea.

The table is updated here!

The altitude of Sumantri is approximate, an accurate DGPS measuring or a new land survey would help to have a more exact one.

First Winter Ascent of Broad Peak
Tuesday, 05 March 2013 16:38

The Polish mountaineers Maciej Berbeka, Adam Bielecki, Tomasz Kowalski and Artur Małek summited Broad Peak today and achieved the first winter ascent of the mountain.

short first report

updated table

Multiple K2 Summits!
Wednesday, 01 August 2012 15:05

Yesterday 25 K2 summits were reported. Sherpa climber Chhang Dawa ascended his 13th 8000er, he only needs Shisha Pangma to finish the Fourteen. Catalan climber Òscar Cadiach summited his 11th 8000er, Chinese Yang Chun-Feng his 10th, Iranian Azim Gheichisaz and Chinese Rao Jian-Feng their 9th and Korean Kim Hong-Bin and Turkish climber Tunç Findik their 7th. Other summiteers were French climber Fabrice Imparato, another Chinese climber named Zhang Jing-Chuan, Singaporian climber Khoo Swee-Chiow and Nepalese Sherpa climbers Dawa Chhiri II, Dawa Sange, Dorjee, Halung Dorchi, Karma Gyalzen II, Lakpa, Mingma Dorchi, Mingma Thinduk I (second time), Mingma Thinduk II, Muktu Lhakpa (second time), Nga Tenji and Pechhumbe, also Nepalese Bhutia climber Jamling Bhote. All these climbers were led by Chhang Dawa.


Also yesterday Polish climber Adam Bielecki summited K2.


Austrian climber Christian Stangl reported on his website that he climbed the 20th mountain of his "Triple Seven Summits" project yesterday as well.


And in addition today Slovak climber Peter Hámor and Czech Pavel Bém summited K2.


Update: Korean climber Kim Mi-Gon also summited on July 31st together with Sherpa climbers Sanu and Phurba! All in all a new record of 28 summits on that day.

Nanga Parbat Mazeno Ridge: Summits!
Thursday, 19 July 2012 10:59

According to the expedition's website Sandy Allan and Rick Allen summited Nanga Parbat on Sunday July 15th. Today they arrived safely back at BC. Finally the long Mazeno Ridge route was climbed to the top of the mountain after many attempts. Congratulations!

Short report

Everest Daily Table to 2011
Thursday, 31 May 2012 16:48

It will take a while until the recent Everest ascent number is confirmed, but before here is the Everest Daily table updated to 2011. It is always possible, that the one or the other ascent can be added or deleted, but this is the knowledge of the moment. Also from 2010 there is a little update, so the most Everest ascenders on a single day were not 169, but 170.

Check the new table

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