
Born on this day

1980 Zhou Hua, Chinese climber, who ascended Everest in 2016.

First ascents on this day

2015 Gave Ding (6521 m) by a British party.

Gone on this day

2009 Péter Csizmadia, Hungarian climber, who ascended Gasherbrum I in 2007, died in an avalanche on Ren Zhong Feng (~5800 m), aged 37.

Another Fatality on Everest
Wednesday, 08 May 2013 12:03

Yesterday a Nepalese Sherpa climber died by a fall on Everest between Camp II and Camp III. His name was Lobsang, he was from Kharikhola and he climbed Everest before three times (2007, 2010 and 2011).

Condolences go to his family and friends!

Chhang Dawa's 14th 8000er Reported
Wednesday, 01 May 2013 17:09

Yesterday several climbers were reported on the Main-Peak of Shisha Pangma.

Tunç Findik was one of them; he was the first climber from Turkey on top of this mountain and it was his eighth 8000er. Also Ecuadorian climber Santiago Quintero summited and it is his fifth 8000er.

The Nepalese Sherpa climber Chhang Dawa claims to have finished the 14 8000ers with Shisha Pangma. If all ascents are confirmed he would be the second Nepalese climber with all the 14 after his brother Mingma. He also would be the youngest one, who finished them with 30 years and nine months.

Two other Nepalese Sherpa climbers summited with them, Mingma Thinduk and Nima Dorchi.


Also German climbing couple Luis Stitzinger and Alix von Melle and Austrian climber Rupert Hauer were reported on top.


Makalu Ascents and Fatality
Saturday, 27 April 2013 09:31

It was reported, that Makalu was ascended on April, 24rd by Iranian climber Azim Gheichisaz (his 11th 8000er), Nepalese Sherpa climber Lhakpa Dendi (his third time on Makalu), Chinese climber Yang Chun-Feng (also his 11th 8000er) and probably by another Chinese climber Liu Xiang-Yang (he was at about 8500 m on Everest last year). The latter sadly died by a fall on descent. Our condolences go to his family and friends.

first report

Korean Climber for 8000ers History
Thursday, 25 April 2013 12:47

There were 121 ascents on Everest done by South Korean climbers, but no ascent was achieved without supplemental oxygen.

Now Kim Chang-Ho, who already has climbed the other 13 8000ers without supplemental oxygen, will attempt to be the first South Korean climber, who ascends Everest without it as well. If he succeeds, he will be the first Korean with all 14 8000ers without bottled gas and he will finish for South Korea as the 20th country so far.

If he succeeds in May he would also be the fastest climber with all 14 8000ers with 7 years and about 10 months. Here you can check the table for comparison.

Korea Times article

Korea Herald article

2012 New Countries and Necrology
Thursday, 25 April 2013 12:27

Two new files were uploaded about the new countries and the losses in 2012 and in 2013 so far.

New Countries table

Necrology table

Another interesting 2012 fact is, that on May 19th at least 238 ascents (171 from the South and 67 from the North) were achieved on Everest.

Also China finally finished the 14 8000ers with Broad Peak. Earlier other Chinese/Tibetan climbers just stopped at the Rocky Foresummit.

Tatsuo Matsumoto is now the oldest climber, who summited Manaslu with 72 years and 263 days and Tamae Watanabe the oldest woman on Everest with 73 years and 180 days.

Brazilian born (with Portuguese and German parents) American lady climber Cleo Weidlich was the first woman who summited Annapurna I and Dhaulagiri I in the same season after 12 men.

All tables on all 8000ers are finally updated now but they will not be posted for several important reasons. If somebody is interested, please send an email with either a landline telephone number or a Skype identity and we will contact you.

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