
Born on this day

1928 Radovan Kuchař, Czech pioneer, who was a member of the first Czechoslovakian expedition to High Asia in 1965, where he participated in the first ascent of Kohe Hevad (6849 m) in the Hindukush. He died in 2012, aged 83.

First ascents on this day

1978 Pabil (7104 m) by a Japanese party.

Gone on this day

2006 Lhakpa Rita II, Nepalese Sherpa climber, who ascended Everest three times (1998, 2001 and 2004), Lhotse twice (2002 and 2006), Annapurna I in 2003, Cho Oyu in 2005 and Manaslu RP in 2006. He died on the South Face of Annapurna I, aged 35.

Worst Day in Mountaineering History
Monday, 24 June 2013 10:36

Yesterday eleven brave mountaineers were shot to death in the Diamir BC of Nanga Parbat. Among them were Ukrainian climbers Badawi Kashaev and Dmitry Konyaev, also Ali Hussain from Pakistan. The other eight climbers had several achievements on 8000ers in the past and are listed in a memorial table.

Memorial table with achievements

Our heartfelt condolences go to all families and friends of the climbers!

Kammerlander's Book of Untruth published
Monday, 28 May 2012 12:55

Story updated again on June 12th, 2013:

The update became necessary because Kammerlander wrote a threatening email to the editor! Scans of historical documents in English are uploaded and more important details are added in bold letters.

(Sorry, the text is still only in German language).

The updated document you may find here.

Story updated December 3rd, 2012:

The book "Seven Second Summits" was published on November 12th. It is full of truth bending and confirmed untruth. Check the overview in German here.

Story updated August 5th, 2012:

Kammerlander reported that he summited Mount Logan now correctly. In an Italian report his manager Sigi Pircher stated, that the true high point of Mount Logan is just 12 metres higher than the point, where Kammerlander "summited" in 2010. Actually it is widely known, that the Main-Peak is 34 metres higher and 2,35 km distant to the West-Peak.  It was at least an avoidable mistake of Kammerlander to miss the Main-Peak, so why he did not just confess his error and was thankful to his critics? The opposite was the case, he insulted his critics in a German TV broadcast badly before he went to Mount Logan again. So the truth bending continues concerning Mount Logan! Check the facts here!

And what about Trikora/Mandala and Dykh Tau? If someone wants to be accepted having "written Alpine History", then he must give the public all proofs. Here are the facts that he also did not summit the Main-Peak of Puncak Trikora and that there is no evidence on his Dykh Tau claim as well.

Kammerlander is undoubtedly one of the best mountaineers of our time with many fine achievements. Why does he feel the need to be flexible with the truth? Is it just pressure from his manager and/or his sponsors? It would be really interesting to know his honest excuses. It is not too late to set the facts straight and to apologize for the insults! 


Tragedy After Remarkable Historic Feats
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 15:24

The 0 to 8848 metres Korean expedition turned into a tragedy, when today Seo Sung-Ho (born November 3rd, 1979) died on Everest. It was a terrific journey from the Gulf of Bengal to Everest after canoeing, biking and trekking. Expedition leader Kim Chang-Ho attempted to finish all 14 8000ers without bottled oxygen with Everest accompanied by Seo Sung-Ho, An Chi-Young, Oh Young-Hoon and Miss Jeon Pruna.

Seo had also already climbed 12 of the 14 8000ers, missing only K2 and Broad Peak. He had already climbed Everest in 2006, but with supplemental oxygen.

Our condolences go to his family and his friends! 

Tragedy report 

In addition also a climber from Bangladesh died today on Everest. To date already eight climbers lost their lives on Everest this season.

It was also reported, that Kim Chang-Ho summited on Monday and so finished some historical feats: The first Korean climber, who summited Everest without supplemental oxygen, the first Korean, who finished all the 14 without it and also the shortest time with seven years, 10 months and six days.

History Report

History by Young Lady Climbers
Sunday, 19 May 2013 10:41

Last year on this day 238 ascents were achieved on Everest, as noted in the almanac and today there were also many ascents. Some of them were making remarkable history.

After Raha Moharrak, the first Saudi Arabian woman on Everest's top yesterday now Samina Baig, the first lady climber from Pakistan summited together with the first twin sisters on Everest, who are from India and their names are Tashi Malayika Malik and Nungshi Sayuri Malik. Damián and Willie Benegas, Argentinean born American twin brothers were together on top of Everest in 2010! 

From the North another historical achievement was reported, as Mexican climber David Liaño summited again after he already summited on May 11th from the South. He is now the first climber, who summited from both sides in the same season.

More details you might find on Alan Arnette's website.

Sad News on Everest
Wednesday, 15 May 2013 12:15

Today Aleksei Bolotov, one of the leading Russian high altitude climbers died after a fatal fall on Everest. Together with Denis Urubko he wanted to open a new route on the Southwest face.

Aleksei ascended Makalu in 1997, Everest twice (1998 and 2002), Lhotse Central-Peak in 2001, Dhaulagiri I in 2005, Cho Oyu in 2006, K2 in 2007, Annapurna I in 2008, Manaslu in 2009, Gasherbrum I and II in 2010 and Kangchenjunga and Broad Peak in 2011.  

A summary of the accident is reported here.

Our condolences go to Aleksei's family and friends!

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